RailVoice by Boom

RailVoice is the format that brings together experts from the mobility industry and addresses current topics in passenger and freight transport.
The aim is the targeted exchange of experience and opinions between experts from the industry, so that experts can benefit from the experience of other experts.

The expert platform in the field of rail and public transport: Become part of it!

RailVoice – from expert to expert

RailVoice is an independent event series that focuses on current topics in the transport industry (rail and public transport). The idea behind the event series was created by Boom Software to bring together the international transport industry and to enable an informative exchange between the panelists and the audience.

Each event is structured differently depending on the topic – either as a round table only, or in combination with keynote speeches and live interviews. Speakers, panelists and audience members can participate conveniently in front of their screens, as the series of events are online events.

Participation in the events is free of charge.

Past webinars

The ECM 2019/779 in practice

Webinar from May 30, 2023
Almost one year after the end of the transition period for the "new" regulation (EU) 2019/779, there are still ambiguities and scope for interpretation for ECM managers when it comes to implementing the regulations.

At RailVoice, four experts exchanged views on the challenges in practice and provided exclusive insights on how to solve them in daily business.

Language: This webinar was held in German.

ECM in practice – Request recording

We will be happy to send you the recording of this webinar. Send us an informal mail to railvoice@boomsoftware.com

Digital maintenance in the railroad sector

Webinar on 28.02.2023
How maintenance management systems designed specifically for the railroad industry differ from commercial ERP systems.
There is a wide range of solutions that can be used for digital maintenance management. It is important for your company to find the solution that best fits your use cases and processes as well as your budget. During the webinar, the advantages of the different options will be highlighted objectively.

Request Digital Maintenance Recording

We will be happy to send you the link to the recording of the webinar. Send us an informal mail to railvoice@boomsoftware.com

Optimal transport control in rail freight traffic

Webinar on 14.02.2023
In the webinar, our expert introduced the participants to the recently launched standard product BOOM Rail Operations and showed them on the basis of various use cases how digitalization can make transport control considerably easier for all parties involved.

Arrange a personal demo presentation

If you could not attend the webinar, our expert will be happy to present the software solution to you in person during an online appointment. Simply write to us at railexperts@boomsoftware.com

Post InnoTrans: What trends and challenges can be identified in the rail sector?

Webinar on 29.11.2022
As expected, InnoTrans 2022 was a real spectacle. The bandwidth was enormous, so you didn't even have the chance to see everything. But how did other experts perceive InnoTrans? What impressions did they take away and which innovations were they excited about? These topics and many more were examined in more detail in the expert panel.

Language: This webinar was held in German.

Request Post InnoTrans Recording

We will be happy to send you the link to the recording of the webinar. Send us an informal mail to railvoice@boomsoftware.com

Wheelset Life Cycle: Collect, Analyze & Predict

Webinar on 16.09.2021
Wheelsets are among the safety-critical components of a rail vehicle and are also the most cost-intensive maintenance component of rolling stock. For these reasons, it is essential to plan requirements precisely and extend the service life as far as possible without compromising on safety and availability.

The expert panel took a closer look at the various aspects of modern wheelset management - from demand planning to development and maintenance.

Request wheelset recording

We will be happy to send you the link to the recording of the webinar. Send us an informal email to railvoice@boomsoftware.com

Digitalization in an ECM-driven environment

Webinar on 15.04.2021
The regulation "ECM (EU) 2019/779" represents an essential set of rules to ensure safety in the European railroad network. The "entity in charge of maintenance", or ECM for short, plays an important role in this.
The first webinar in this series dealt precisely with this. Experts in the field of ECM clarified basic questions about the ECM regulation and went into detail about the duties of the ECM roles.

Request ECM recording

We will be happy to send you the link to the recording of the webinar. Simply send us an informal e-mail to railvoice@boomsoftware.com

Molinari Rail Group GmbH

I think the RailVoice format is an exciting opportunity to get a deeper insight into developments in the sector. Especially the composition of the participants ideally covers the views of the different market participants.

Martin Zsifkovits
Martin Zsifkovits
Director Innovation / Managing Director
Boom Software

"We see the need for a regular exchange between the players in the mobility industry more and more clearly, and this is exactly where RailVoice comes in. With RailVoice, we have set ourselves the goal of creating a platform where experts can speak openly about the current topics of the mobility industry and share their opinions and experiences with the community, whether in the form of keynotes, interviews or discussion panels. Only by working even more closely together can we advance rail transport and expand its competitive advantage over other modes of transport."

Andreas Schaller
Andreas Schaller
DB Cargo

"Digitalization is certainly not an end in itself, but an important building block for making processes more transparent and efficient. We must seize the opportunity not only to pull the ecological card, but also to expand economic advantages in the rail sector. With RailVoice, we want to take the sector with us as we shape the future."

Christian Kühnast
Christian Kühnast
Wagon Management AVV / GCU consultant

"RailVoice inspires me because an exchange among experts from the transport industry is possible in an open and transparent way. It also addresses current topics from the rail industry that are of concern to us. We all benefit from this."

Claudia Skerbinz
Claudia Skerbinz
Head of Portfolio Unit Passenger Coaches

Become a RailVoice member and always be informed

In addition to the event series, RailVoice also exists in the form of a group on Linkedin, in which current topics in the mobility environment are also addressed. The network grows daily, become a member too: RailVoice

Your input for future webinars

Do you have topic suggestions or input for a future webinar? Then let us know. To do so, write us an informal e-mail or use the RailVoice group on Linkedin.

Contact us
Focus on
Bettina Bernhard , Marketing Managerin
Why Excel doesn't fit on the rail
Post from 22. March 2024

Many companies still rely on programs like Access databases and Excel sheets, which, however, do not meet the requirements of modern maintenance

Bettina Bernhard , Marketing Managerin
Why do businesses opt more frequently for railway-specific software solutions for maintenance over ERP systems geared towards commercial purposes?
Post from 18. March 2024

Companies are increasingly relying on software solutions to carry out the maintenance of rail vehicles, their components and infrastructure-related facilities more efficiently, effectively, and professionally.

Farewell, disruptions! Improved incident reporting in rail transport is available
Post from 20. December 2023

The fault indication app was specially developed to offer train drivers, train attendants and machine operators an uncomplicated and efficient way to generate fault indications.
