RailVoice webinar

Boom Software launches event series RailVoice!

For more than 20 years, Boom Software AG has been the Austrian expert for software solutions around the railway. In the areas of rail vehicle maintenance and infrastructure, Boom Software develops customized software solutions. With the in-house webinar series “RailVoice”, which started last Thursday, Boom Software creates a platform for exchange between companies and experts in the railway sector.

Based on the expertise and years of experience of Boom Software AG in numerous European countries and with railway companies of various sizes, Boom now wants to make this expertise available. Together with top-class speakers from the European railway and transport industry, future topics around the digitalization of rail transport will be discussed.

Andreas Schaller, CEO Boom Software: “We want to address all areas of the railway industry with our RailVoice webinars, because digitalization affects us all! This is why we want to regularly facilitate a know-how summit in the field of digitalization.

With more than 50 participants from 8 countries and various areas of the railway industry, the kick-off of the RailVoice webinar series was a real success.

Franz Lückler, Supervisory Board Boom Software & former Managing Director of Asfinag: “We have numerous international customers from different parts of Europe, but the topics and challenges are similar everywhere. Through RailVoice we want to create an international exchange platform between us, our customers as well as experts.


Digitalization in an environment shaped by ECM

The “ECM (EU) 2019/779” regulation represents an essential set of rules for ensuring safety in European rail transport. In this context, the “entity in charge of maintenance”, or ECM for short, plays a central role. Among other things, this regulation, the associated obligations, challenges but also opportunities were discussed at the first RailVoice edition.

Nathalie Duquenne – Consultant to the European Commission & Project Officer of the European Railway Agency – gave a keynote speech with deep insights into the efforts on the European level regarding the design of a targeted ECM regulation. Her appeal: “Let’s make the railroad system better for society!

With Alexander Schimanofsky, CEO Railway Competence and Certification GmbH (RCC), and Wolfgang Seidl, Quality Manager Innofreight Solutions GmbH, opportunities and challenges regarding ECM regulation could be presented in a very practical way. Rail vehicle maintenance is a central adjusting screw to increase not only safety but also cost efficiency and competitiveness.

Efficient planning, preparation and documentation of rail vehicle maintenance is, in addition to professional/technical competence, an essential prerequisite for successful activity as an ECM and/or as a maintenance company and, subsequently, for safe operation of the rail system.” – says Alexander Schimanofsky

Helmut Hohenbichler, Senior Vice President Boom Rail Solutions at Boom Software AG, spoke about information exchange between ECM carriers ​and gave an insight into the product world of Boom Software. “Digitalization gives us tools that enable ECM-compliant work!”

In the subsequent panel discussion, a wide variety of questions were answered and discussed from the audience. However, a clear consensus was heard among all panel participants: Rail has a great future, and that makes it even more important to overcome technical and political hurdles and exploit the potential of digitalization.

More about digitalization in rail transport will be available at the next webinar in September 2021 (topic: wheelset).

Team of the first RailVoice webinar

More information about the ECM (EU) 779/2019 regulation is available on our ECM page.

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