OeBB CEO: Andreas Matthae
Katharina Moitzi

4.0 Questions to ÖBB Holding-CEO Andreas Matthä

Post from 26. June 2020

A guest in Southern Styria: None other than ÖBB Holding CEO Andreas Matthä visited BOOM Software last October. In conversation he answered 4.0 questions about digitalization and maintenance.

What role does digitization play in the rail industry?

Andreas Matthä: The core task of rail vehicle maintenance is to further increase the safety and availability of our trains. Digitization gives us the opportunity to make processes more effective and transparent.


To what extent does the classic rail passenger benefit from maintenance?

Andreas Matthä: Innovative maintenance strategies have a direct effect on passenger comfort: Because planned and predictive maintenance is not only more cost-effective, it also increases the availability of our trains. Unplanned events are reduced to a minimum – the punctuality of our trains increases even further.

What is the aim of the current project with BOOM Software?

Andreas Matthä: The joint project with BOOM Software pursues the clearly defined goal of reducing paper-based processes in ÖBB maintenance centers to an optimum. Digitalized maintenance makes processes more transparent and communication between employees and departments more effective. As a next project step we plan to implement a “Shop-Floor-Management”, which allows to display geographically the handling of inspections within a maintenance center. This will result in further time savings due to the reduction of coordination and unnecessary steps.


How do you describe the cooperation with BOOM Software?

Andreas Matthä: The cooperation with BOOM Software, which has lasted for almost 20 years, is of particular strategic importance for ÖBB Technische Services GmbH. The company is an important partner for us when it comes to planning and implementing maintenance strategies flexibly and with foresight.


Photo © Fischer

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