Since 1999 the BOOM MAINTENANCE MANAGER has been the solution in the order management of ÖBB-Technische Services GmbH. It was tailored to the needs of ÖBB and extended by important functions. Thus, BMM developed into the central tool for the ÖBB-TS team, which became a essential part. We have interviewed BOOM board member Bora MAN!
“At 22 locations in Austria, about 3.200.000 workshop hours per year are scheduled with the BMM. This huge amount of work is done by 2,000 workshop employees, who also carry out their complete order time recording digitally”.
“95% of all workshop processes are already software-supported. By means of 600 tablets and many stationary terminals, 160,000 maintenance orders have been digitized and so far about 40% paper has been saved.
“We can be proud of two awards. For example, the Austrian Association for Maintenance and Asset Management (ÖVIA) awarded second place in the maintenance austria award 2019 to ÖBB-Technische Services. The eAward from REPORT magazine also honored the excellent work made possible by the change from conservative working methods to the use of new media”.
“When the first prototype was implemented 20 years ago, it was not yet foreseeable which innovative path ÖBB and BOOM would take together. Today, more than 70,000 development hours later, one thing is certain: ÖBB is one of the most innovative rail transport companies in Europe and no EU citizen travels more rail kilometres per year than an Austrian!
“The joint path is not over, however – the project teams are already building further future-oriented projects that will further increase the availability of rail vehicles and thus their reliability. Only the latest technological systems are used in these projects.”
Many companies still rely on programs like Access databases and Excel sheets, which, however, do not meet the requirements of modern maintenance
MoreCompanies are increasingly relying on software solutions to carry out the maintenance of rail vehicles, their components and infrastructure-related facilities more efficiently, effectively, and professionally.
MoreThe fault indication app was specially developed to offer train drivers, train attendants and machine operators an uncomplicated and efficient way to generate fault indications.
MoreWe have dedicated ourselves to the
development of software solutions that lift your business to new heights.
Our products are used in the sectors rail, local public transport, industrial maintenance and production.
The aim of RailVoice is to connect international experts from the railroad industry with a platform that offers the opportunity for a mutual exchange of knowledge.
Change the future of mobility with us!
Together with the right ecosystem, we want to drive digital innovation even further. That is why we are striving for international partnerships.
In this context, we are looking for integration, sales and software partners, among others.